Lin Zhao (赵林)

I am a Postdoctoral Fellow working with Dr. Paolo Stegagno and Dr. Mingxi Zhou on Swarm SLAM on marine robotics at the University of Rhode Island, where I got my Ph.D. degree in Ocean Engineering. During my Ph.D., I was supervised by Dr. Mingxi Zhou and working on multi-sensor SLAM for autonomous robotics in harsh environments (e.g., under-ice).

Before that, I was working in several robotics startups in Hangzhou, China. I got my Master's degree of Mechanical Engineering from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, where I was supervised by Dr. Woosoon Yim and working on obstacle avoidance for the drones.

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Tightly-coupled Visual-DVL-Inertial Odometry for Robot-based Ice-water Boundary Exploration

Lin Zhao, Mingxi Zhou, Brice Loose
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2023  
paper / code / poster / slides /

We use Doppler Velocity Log (DVL) non-uniform sparse point clouds to aid feature estimation and improve the under-ice localization.

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Towards Under-ice Sensing using a Portable ROV

Lin Zhao, Mingxi Zhou, Brice Loose
OCEANS, 2022   (Student Poster Competition Finalist)
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System integration (i.e., hardware time synchronization) for Alaska under-ice data collection and Dead-Reckoning (i.e., DVL and Pressure update the IMU model).

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Working toward the development of a generic marine vehicle framework: ROS-MVP

Emir Cem Gezer, Mingxi Zhou, Lin Zhao, William McConnell
OCEANS, 2022  
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The ROS-MVP framework provides three sub-modules: a low-level controller, plugin-based behavior interface, and a mission planner.

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Towards seafloor mapping using an affordable micro-UUV

Emir Cem Gezer, Lin Zhao, Jordan Beason, Mingxi Zhou
OCEANS, 2021  
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Riptide Micro-UUV and Bathyswath interferometric side-scan sonar integration. Sonar data processing for sub-map mapping.

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Modifying an Affordable ROV for Under-ice Sensing

Lin Zhao, Mingxi Zhou, Brice Loose, Virginia Cousens, Raymond Turrisi
OCEANS, 2021  
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Freshwater ice data collection with multi-sensors (e.g., IMU, DVL, Stereo, FLS).

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Towards the Development of an Online Coverage Path Planner for UUV-based Seafloor Survey using an Interferometric Sonar

Mingxi Zhou, Jianguang Shi, Lin Zhao
IEEE/OES Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Symposium (AUV), 2020  
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We propose a new online CPP algorithm for a UUV equipped with an interferometric sonar for seafloor mapping.

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Unmanned Aerial System for First Responders

Zachary Cook, Lin Zhao, Jameson Lee, Woosoon Yim
International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence (URAI), 2015  
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A 3D vector mesh (VM) obstacle avoidance algorithm extented from 2D Vector Field Histogram.

Yep it's another Jon Barron website and learned from Leonid Keselman

Updated: 03/07/2025